Church Is Tag Team

Friday, August 31, 2007 0 clicked here to leave a comment
Read a great blog post this morning from a very creative pastor in Washington, D.C. named Mark Batterson (their strategy to start churches in theatres in the District, by the way, reminds me a lot of our Project 485).

Anyway, at the church he pastors, they have this great concept called Tag Team.

Here is how it works (put in the NLC setting).

You walk into NLC on Sunday morning and touch one of the leaders and say "Tag, you're it". And at that moment it is our ball game. You have the right to assume, if you tag me, that I have prayed and studied and am going to deliver the best teaching that I can; that if you tag Harrison he will have considered the exact right songs to capture the Big Idea of the day, that he kicked butt on the arrangements, and that the band is rehearsed and stoked to go.

Then when you leave, we touch you and say "Tag, you're it". And at that moment it is YOUR ball game. And we have the right to assume that you will go out and represent Christ during your week and that you will conspire to invite people to NLC where you can touch us and say "Tag"...

And, together, we get the deal done.


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