The Four Month Challenge

Monday, September 08, 2008
Thrilled to have both campuses synced up yesterday as we kicked off Give Love Away. We are trusting God for huge things the next three weeks as we take a good, hard and encouraging look at how God wants us to leverage every resource he has given us for the purposes closest to His heart - the ministry of the local church and care for the materially poor.

All heading to September 21, when we will give and pledge to:

1. Launch the Give:Love Project, caring for kids and their families at Title I schools in CMS and Union County.

2. Funding the next two Project 485 campuses.

3. Completing the Matthews Campus auditorium.

In case you missed it, yesterday we rolled out the Four Month Tithe Challenge.

Here's the deal.

We believe that if you involve God in your finances to the extent of being willing to tithe to what He is up to in the local church and with the poor, then you will find it to be the best investment decision you ever made.

We believe this so much that we will guarantee it - check out Malachi 3:10 for the biblical rationale.

So, as part of Give Love Away, if you tell us that you are tithing (we'll have a response card the next two Sundays) we will guarantee to return your tithe - no questions asked - if at the end of four months you have not experienced the blessings of God in both tangible and intangible ways.

High risk? Yep. Because that's how we roll here.

But, big God. Who makes big promises and invites big faith!

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