Now, why would this be exciting for someone who attends...Stone Creek, let's say? Or maybe Mint Hill? Well, with the new auditorium, we'll have the opportunity to do a quality of video production & stage presence unparalleled in our history! Which in turn, makes it more inviting for someone to attend (and invite people to attend) one of our video campuses. Why? Because the video is gonna look stinkin sweet!
And if you attend Matthews, here's what this building means for you: More space for your disconnected friends who have yet to come! The new auditorium will seat upwards of 700 people, which will allow us to max out the potential for the Matthews Campus. Plus, this will give us the critical mass of people to continue on planting campuses for Project 485! All in all, it's a HUGE win for Next Level Church. And your generosity, through Give Love Away made it happen! Thank you Next Level Church!
(Stay tuned for more updated pics!)