But one thing I found interesting during this election season, was the overarching theme, coming from both candidates. Both are promising one thing...CHANGE! I was asking a buddy of mine who is a political science major, why that seemed to be what everyone was talking about. He explained to me that before a candidate ever announces his or her platform & candidacy, they seek out what the biggest desires, hopes, & dreams are, of the majority of the population, and then build their campaign around those desires! He said that after the last eight years, an overwhelming number of people, from the left and the right made it clear that they desired change!
So if an overwhelming majority of the population desires change, I couldn't help but think what a vital role the church had to play in this thing! Every Sunday, week in and week out, we share the life-changing hope you can find in being a follower Jesus Christ. As I look back over this past year's series', I'm realizing that we spend time talking about how people can see hope, & peace, in their families, in their jobs, with their finances, for their kids, in decision-making, and even in the hurting community around them! Sound familiar? WE HAVE WHAT PEOPLE ARE LOOKING FOR! This is why we give out invite cards each and every week! We want to make it as easy as possible for you to invite your friends, family, coworkers, & neighbors to Next Level Church so they can hear what it means to be a follower of Christ. If the best research shows that people desire real change, then what better way to give it to them then by investing in their lives, and inviting them with you to church!
Did you vote today? Great! But, did you invite someone to church today??? Food for thought...