WARRIOR: Final Week! (Robbie)

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am about this Sunday.  Now, I know that sounds completely cliche and you probably think I...

The Opposite of Fear(Less) [Todd]

While getting ready for the Fear(Less) series I have been reading Joshua a good bit. The first chapter sets the tone - as God's people g...

Fear(less) [Todd]

I am more excited about the series of series we are in this winter-spring than at any other time in NLC's short history. The Warrior has...

Older and Younger Brothers (Todd)

Lots of requests for the "signs you might be a older or younger brother" from the teaching yesterday - Luke 15. Because I am alway...


This weekend we got t0 hear a great message from Lisa Koons about Fighting for Justice. I wanted to write today real quick to let you know t...

This Upcoming Message...(Todd)

...on Sunday may be the most important ever at Next Level. Not saying that to hype. Not saying that because I am only third in most popular ...

Disclaimer: Kids Shouldn't Play with Sharp Objects...

But Samurai swords are a completely different story...  Watch this video, and consider getting in on the fun, by volunteering in KID CITY!!!

Breaking it Down (Jared)

I thought I would piggyback off of Robbie's previous post. Let's break it down and use Todd as a case study. First of all, Twitter i...

In the Know...(Robbie)

One of the most frustrating things in life is getting left out.  You know, like when when your buddies all go out for the weekend, but forgo...

Friend of Prostitutes and CEO's

At NLC we use a simple method of studying the Bible known as a SOAP journal.  It helps us digest what the Word of God is saying and apply it...

Lisa The Warrior [Todd]

Pumped about round one of The Warrior series! It was an awesome beginning for this series which is designed to get at the heart of men and u...

Blog Update [Jared]

Well, Robbie is going to post all about this stuff later this week, but Harrison and I were pretty excited about the new addition to the blo...

Life in an Inter-Denominational Church [Jared]

Allow me to try and explain what just happened in the office.  (Please note that it was all in good humor and that I might have embellished...

Behind the Scenes: Video (Harrison)

One thing I like about my job is making videos to show on Sunday mornings. Examples would be countdown videos, pre-teaching videos, and thos...

Theory of Church (Harrison)

Let me get scientific on you for a second. In a recently discovered equation, church= the square root of meaningful relationships multiplied...

Why We Do What We Do? (Robbie)

People often ask us at NLC this very question.  Why the weird series titles?, why the creative designs?, why use video clips?, why special t...

Gary's Night (Todd)

We have never had a memorial service at Next Level Church. Until tonight. We celebrated and mourned Gary Goll. Remembered his love for peopl...

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