I am more excited about the series of series we are in this winter-spring than at any other time in NLC's short history.
The Warrior has been a blast - our annual challenge and encouragement to the hearts of men. We'll wrap that up with a bang this weekend.
And then, without taking a breath, we dive into a new series...Fear(less).
There is more fear in our community and in our nation than I can remember in my lifetime.
Folks are fearful of losing their jobs, their retirement, their ability to provide for their families. People are fearful of the future and gripped with fear in the day to day.
It does not have to be this way.
Fear(less) is not going to be about surviving tough times or white-knuckling economic challenges to come out barely conscious on the other end (whenever that end comes).
It is going to be about ATTACKING perilous times and WINNING in the face of fear.
You won't want to miss a single week. And if you have people in your life who may be vulnerable to fear, you will want to have them there each week as well.
Fearless Promo from Harrison Gillming on Vimeo.