Friend of Prostitutes and CEO's

Friday, February 13, 2009
At NLC we use a simple method of studying the Bible known as a SOAP journal.  It helps us digest what the Word of God is saying and apply it to our lives.  I had a cool thought in my journal this morning, so I thought I'd share it with you:

Scripture - As as he reclined at table in his house, many tax collectors and sinners were reclining with Jesus and his disciples, for there were many who followed him. - Mark 2:12 (English Standard Version)

Observation - Tax collectors were agents of the oppressive Roman occupiers and they abused the economic system for their own gain.  They placed unrealistic burdens on the people while they profitted handsomely.  Sound familiar?  Just like modern bank executives granting themselves huge bonuses while their banks refuse to loan money to the people who need it.  These are the type of people that were drawn to and hung out with Jesus: friend of prostitutes and CEO's.

Application - The up-and-in are often just as unsatisfied with life as the down-and-out except they can afford more distractions.  I must recognize that everyone is attracted to a life that refuses to play by the rules of this world.  A life lived as a citizen of a heavenly realm.  I musn't allow anyone to trigger my self-defensive attitudes no matter how poor or how rich, so that I may love and embrace any type of person the way Jesus did.

Prayer - God burn away my insecurity.  Let me see people the way you do.  And ring people into my circle of influence that I can love and accept as Jesus does.

Thats it.

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