One question I get asked a lot at Next Level is, "So, how do I join this church?" Although it's a great question, the answer may be a little more disappointing..."YOU DONT!!!" Unlike most churches in our area, we don't push membership. Why? Well for a couple reasons. First of all, for most churches, membership doesn't matter anyway. Think about it, for your average church in America, maybe only 30% of the members (and that's high) actually participate in the life of the church. For many, their names have been on a church roll for years, yet they havent been actively involved in the life of the church since they joined! (Why? I don't know, ask them!) Secondly, at Next Level,we value people's participation, versus their membership! For us, we would highly consider someone who is involved in serving and life groups to be more influential in the lives of people than someone who carries around a "member" card. So at Next Level Church, we intentionally dont push membership, rather, we push involvement and participation.
Now, for many of you, you're asking, well how do I get involved? I'm glad you asked! Every so often, we offer a stand-alone event on a Monday Night called Starting Point. (Now, I know many of you are thinking, "oh no, here he goes trying to advertise Starting Point again, and i've been coming to Next Level for a long time, so i guess this is where i stop reading..." No, no, no, read on....this IS for you!) At Next Level Church, we have a process of getting people plugged in to the life of the church called "Next Steps." The first part of this process is this class called Starting Point. It's NOT just for newcomers. It's for ANYBODY who has a desire to get plugged in, or learn more about Next Level Church or life as a Christ-Follower, and hasn't done so yet! So, here's my point...whether you are new to Next Level, or you've been coming for awhile just looking for how to plug in, Starting Point is the place to be!!!
My challenge to you is this...Have you been to Starting Point? If not, Monday, March 23 @ 7pm would be a great time to come! It will be held in the former auditorium on the Matthews campus. Plus, dinner & childcare will be provided.

My challenge to you is this...Have you been to Starting Point? If not, Monday, March 23 @ 7pm would be a great time to come! It will be held in the former auditorium on the Matthews campus. Plus, dinner & childcare will be provided.
If you've signed up, great! If not, no problem. Either way, we'd love for you to be a part of it! When you come Sunday, just look for the sign-up box on your connection card.!!! We'll see you there.