Wednesday, April 08, 2009
I am soooo pumped to announce an all-new SUNDAY MORNING HSM (High School Ministry) SERVICE! It's been quite a while since we have had anything for the high-schoolers of Next Level on Sunday mornings, but come this Sunday...all that will change! Here’s three quick reasons why I’m excited about this:

-First, it’s consistent! Unlike with SNL, with us meeting on Sunday Mornings, we can carry this service on indefinitely, with no big breaks throughout the year!

-Second, it’s visible. Now the entire church will see, hear, and possibly even smell a ministry to High Schooler’s each and every Sunday. This will make it easy for our kids to remember to come, and even easier for them to invite their disconnected friends!

-Third, it’s GOING to be different!!! Without giving away too many details, all I can say is, nobody else would even dare to try and pull off some of the stuff we are going to be doing in HSM. Plus, it will be during only one of the service hours, meaning all the students who don’t want to miss service, won’t have to!

So, details in a nutshell are…

What: High School Ministry
Where: Matthews Campus Student Center
When: Sundays @ 11am, Starting APRIL 12, Easter Sunday

So, here’s what we need from you. As parents, challenge your students to give this service a shot. If it means rearranging your Sunday Schedule, please do so your kids have the opportunity to be at this service. Our ultimate goal is to have our High School students coming to HSM one hour and either attending service or serving in other ministry areas during the other hour. This should work well with your schedules too, as we would love our adults to attend church one hour and serve the other hour. So, I look forward to your help in this area! But even more more than that, I'm looking forward to Sunday, when HSM finally breaks loose! Maybe I'll see you there!

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