Guest Blogger: Melissa Jackson
The idea of one church adopting an entire school is a big undertaking, especially when the school has 600 students. After two weeks of distributing backpacks to fill, only 130 remain and I am certain those will be picked up this Sunday. Even if you have already picked up a backpack, please consider taking a few more. We want every student at Rock Rest to receive supplies to start school.
I hope you understand what filling a backpack with school supplies really means. To this school, it means single parents who are working to support their family will be able to share in their child’s excitement about the new school year instead of worrying about how to pay for their child’s needed supplies. It means teachers who give themselves away everyday for these students will not have to use their paychecks to purchase school supplies. It means one school with over 50% of the students on the free lunch program, will be able to start the school year knowing every student has the tools they need for the year to be a success.
I am waiting in anticipation for September 3rd to see the kids reaction to a huge gift of love and generosity!
Thank you for taking on a God sized project!