Friday Notes [Todd]

Friday, August 28, 2009
Excited about rolling into week two of LEGENDARY. Here are a few things I am thinking about this Friday afternoon...

-So awesome to see the Lobby packed full of NLC volunteers sorting the bookbags for the Rock Rest kids yesterday. Thanks to you nearly 600 bags will be delivered next week - can't wait to be there! We will definitely have tons of pictures and video up so you can see how your acts of Giving Love paid off.

-I am not sure if week two of Legendary can top week one, but we are sure going to try. Here is the promise for this week - it will be a crystal clear presentation of the Gospel. And, let me be honest -all of the prayer, preparation, planning,and execution will be WASTED if you guys aren't inviting folks. This series is assuredly not for us! So make sure that you do whatever you have to do to get folks there!

-Special tune is "All Along The Watchtower" by Hendrix (little known fact: Bob Dylan actually wrote the song). Brad Moritz is going to SLAY that iconic guitar solo. I say so myself.

-If you are a leader or volunteer of any kind, you need to be at FUEL on Sunday night. FUEL is our brand new bimonthly worship and teaching experience exclusively for volunteers and leaders. We'll worship together for an extended time, celebrate Communion, and then I will start a teaching series on what it takes to be a great, godly spiritual leader. And we'll have time in ministry-specific huddle groups. I am convinced this will become one of the most important parts of our ministry at NLC.

-I know this goes without saying, but in addition to inviting, make sure that you are PRAYING for what happens this weekend...there is no other way to see lasting, authentic spiritual results!

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