Last Blog for a While

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Well, this is the last blog entry I will submit to you, dear reader, for a couple of weeks.

There is a very good reason for this, if I do say so myself - I am marrying the lovely Miranda on May 15 and, for a while, will be thinking about other things than blogging.

The other guys on the Creative Team (Pastors Harrison, Jared, and Robbie) and the film crew at Local Legend will be filling in while I am gone, so continue to check the blog for new content every day or so.

I leave you (temporarily) with a few thoughts...

-I honestly believe that this is the most healthy Next Level Church has been in our four years of existence. And this has been a healthy church since the beginning. I am thrilled with the numbers of people coming to faith in Jesus Christ, the number of people giving themselves away through the Give:Love Project, the numbers of people experiencing biblical community through Life Groups, and the numbers of people committing to their next spiritual step each week.

-With all of that health comes growth and that presents challenges. Both attendance and involvement are up significantly from this time last year. And that means we need more volunteers giving themselves away than ever before. If you have been a spectator up till now it is TIME for you to get PLUGGED IN! This Sunday will offer you a center cut chance to do that as we will focus on key volunteer opportunities and chance to sign up in our services. Don't miss the chance to use the spiritual gifts God has given you and the chance to build new relationships and friendships!

-This week launches HOUSE OF BLUES! I can't WAIT! We have not done a blues-oriented series since 2008 in the old Bat Cave and I can't wait to see what our artists and musicians can do in our Auditorium. Make sure that you are INVITING everyone you can! The teaching will focus on the nature of true happiness as opposed to the counterfeit versions we find in our culture...and happiness is relevant to everyone whether or not they are connected to Jesus Christ! We'll be taking an indepth look at the section of the book of Galatians known as the fruits of the Spirit...even if you are familiar with that material you will find new insights during this series!

-Already excited about Wednesday Night Community where we meet on Wednesday nights in June for special worship and teaching tracks. This year I will have the chance to take you through an overview of the Bible in five weeks (whew!)...and we will also have a track on enhancing your marriage. And there's pizza. You'll hear much more in the next couple of weeks but for now mark down Wednesday nights in June.

-Last have always been an amazing church, Next Level, but never more so than in these days of my engagement. You guys have been incredibly supportive to Miranda and I during this whirwind engagement (note to others - think twice or three times before doing a do it yourself wedding in three months!!) and we are so grateful. She has felt incredibly welcomed by all of you and has said over and over again "NLC people are amazingly kind and nice".

And you are. I am grateful for you.

And I am grateful for her. I love Miranda more than I can begin to express and am so grateful for God bringing her into my (and by extension YOUR life). She is sensitive, funny, kind, beautiful, smart, insightful, artistic, and just plain cool. She loves God and she loves you guys. She is perfect.

Thank you for praying for us - for me, Justin and BJ...and for Miranda and her son Logan as we begin a new chapter in all of our lives.

I am grateful for God and for His goodness, for this beautiful woman I get to share life with and for YOU, Next Level peeps.

Talk to you soon!

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