Wednesday Reflections

Wednesday, May 05, 2010
-Still PUMPED about what happened at Starting Point Monday night. Twenty five folks came out to begin their journey at Next Level, and SEVEN of them prayed to receive Jesus Christ for the first time. Folks, this is NOT normal -thank you, Lord!

-Still PUMPED about this past Sunday and the spiritual intensity on campus...parents, are you still wearing your wristbands? Have you told your kids why?


-Guess what? The HOUSE OF BLUES series starts in two weeks! That's right - five weeks of killer blues music, teaching about the true nature of happiness, and some special surprises in store around campus.

-Father's Day this year at Next Level is going to be insane. I can PROMISE you that it will be unlike any church service you have ever been to. I can PROMISE you that even if you are a dad who wants to do nothing more than sleep in on Father's Day that you will be KICKING yourself if you miss June 20. Trust me. The details are still double super secret, but they will be leaking soon!

-Mother's Day is going to be amazing! This is always a tough teaching - so many angles to come from - but I am convinced that I have something fresh from God for everyone who is a mother and/or has a mother...which is everyone!

-On another Mother's Day note, I know this is a tough holiday for some of you, for different reasons. I want you to know that I am praying for you this week - for as many specific reasons as I know and as many general reasons as I can think of. Don't let your fear of hurting cause you to miss being where you need to be on Sunday...I believe God has a very specific word of encouragement for you.

-Something special is going on at NLC. You see it in our attendance...this past weekend with the tournament at Quail and a Union County Schools three day weekend we had the HIGHEST ATTENDANCE of 2010 except for Easter! The we saw seven people become Christ-followers Monday night. We are seeing parents lean into their calling in unprecedented ways and husbands and wives have significant spiritual conversations for the first time in years. God is up to something big at Next Level - don't miss a second of it!

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