We're launching Fireproof: Five Weeks To A Stronger Marriage this weekend. Here's how you can be prepared.
1. If you are married, pray with your spouse that God would seriously impact your marriage during this series. If your spouse won't pray with you, pray by yourself.
2. Ask God to show you where YOU need to change so that your marriage can be stronger. As you come on Sundays make sure your mindset is NOT "Yeah, my spouse really should be doing what he's talking about!".
3.If you are single or single again, ask God to reveal what it will take to either prepare or heal you (or both) so that you are ready if he calls you into marriage again or for the first time.
4. Write down the Scripture references I teach through and read them again during the week following the teaching.
5. INVITE as many people as you can - single or married - this will be a life-altering teaching series!