Recently, I let you know about my commitment this year to post three times a week on this blog.
Mondays are for a recap of the Sunday teaching, with some "extras".
Wednesdays feature an NLC ministry spotlight with behind the scenes info.
Fridays are a post about what God is teaching me spiritually.
I have decided to add a fourth weekly post - it will be a recent entry from my personal SOAP journal.
At NLC, we believe that the Life Journals (available in our Resource Center in the Lobby) are one of the best methods of growing in your faith, regardless of how long you have been a Christ-follower.
The SOAP process is simple. Pick a small section of Scripture (S), write it down, make an Observation (O) or two, ask God for an area where you can Apply (A) the passage to your life, and then write out your Prayer (P) based on what you have learned. There is a final question each day - "How will I live differently today because of what I have just read".
The Journal explains the whole process and even offers a Bible reading plan. It is easy, so easy - but really impactful!
If I could wave a magic wand, I would put a Life Journal in the hands of every NLC attender and get you going on the SOAP experience!
Starting next week, I will post an entry from my own journal. Hopefully this will spur you to dive deeply into Scripture as well.
In the meantime, pick up a copy of the Life Journal this weekend and get ready to come with me!