Coming Home...(Guest Blogger: ROBBIE)

Monday, February 28, 2011
Yesterday was a great day at NLC all the way around! God straight up showed up and SHOWED OFF! From the very first worship song, you could definitely tell God was up to something in that room.

We were continuing our series, The Real Jesus. And we talked about how the REAL Jesus never played favorites; how he accepted everyone the same, and no matter how good or bad you've been, his offer to "Follow Me" was the same to everyone. When Jesus was questioned on this philosophy, he answered by telling a series of stories, culminating in the final story...THE PRODIGAL SON.

When Jesus told this story, he was making a statement. He was saying that in the same way the father in the story didn't condemn the sinful son, he didn't condemn sinners either. He was also saying that just like the father didn't spend time praising the older son for how good he had been, Jesus didn't come to give recognition and attention to the self righteous.

The father in the story is very simply seen celebrating the fact that the separated son has come home. And Jesus was saying, "I'm not here to play favorites, I'm here to bring EVERYONE....EVERYONE home!" And because of his death on the cross, the same offer is extended to us.

I was excited to see over 24 people "come home" yesterday in our services. These people either identified with the older or younger brother yesterday, and decided to simply accept the offer Jesus freely made to everyone...and I could not be more excited for them!

Plus attendance was once again THROUGH THE ROOF! Thanks again for all of you being willing to invest and invite! It's working, and through this, lives are being changed!

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