My roommate and I were always looking for nickels and quarters in the laundry and in the couch cushions to come up with pizza money. To this day, the concepts of pizza and money are linked in my mind.
That's a roundabout way of telling you about one of the regular events which flies under the radar at Next Level. We call it our "Pizza Dialogues".
Once every six weeks or so we invite anyone who wants to come to hang out for about an hour after the 11 AM service, enjoy some free pizza, and get the inside scoop on how finances work at Next Level.
Our next Pizza Dialogue is this coming Sunday. We'd love to have you. Here's some of what we will cover:
-How money contributed at NLC is "handled" beginning on Sunday morning and throughout the week.
-How our current financial trends are shaping up.
-How we manage our resources in these challenging economic times - what our priorities are and how we remain accountable.
-How online giving is the easiest way to give at NLC.
-An overview of our budget.
Perhaps, most exciting of all:
-You'll get a sneak preview of what is coming in March, which I believe will be THE KEY MOMENT in the history of Next Level Church.
I'll be there, along with Rob Kendall, our Executive Pastor, who oversees our operations and finances. We'll present and take your questions. We'd love to see you there too!
Just shoot an e-mail to kathyrisch@nextlevelchurch.org so we'll have enough pizza!