Hey Guys! What a great weekend at NLC! Campus was buzzin', popcorn was in the air, and the music was OFF THE CHARTS! Thanks to everybody who made it out.
Yesterday, we took a look at the movie CAPTAIN AMERICA for week 3 of Summer at the Movies. We narrowed our focus into that one scene that EVERYONE wishes they were starring in, where Capt. Steve Rogers steps into the machine, and 10 seconds later, emerges as the huge, powerful Captain America. We ALL wish we could become the person we want to be instantly. But life doesn't work that way does it.
No, to become the person we want to be, it ALWAYS takes work. That is never more true than in the life of a Christ follower. The big idea we focused on was this: BECOMING A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST IS SIMPLE, HOWEVER ACTUALLY FOLLOWING CHRIST TAKES WORK.
To become a fully devoted follower of Jesus, it takes a lot more than just a one-Sunday experience. We looked at the three major disciplines necessary to every person who wants to truly follow Jesus. These are found in Acts 2:42. They are:
-Studying God's Word Daily (Getting to know the Character of God and what he wants for our lives.)
-Praying Daily (Involving God in the ins and outs of your life, and actually trusting Him to to take care of them and walk you through them.)
-Biblical Community (Actually sharing life with a small group of people like a LIFEgroup.)
These things are necessary to actually following Jesus. So the question we left everyone was this:
"Are you JUST a Christian, or are you actually FOLLOWING Jesus?" God's call to us is to put feet to our faith, and work to become more like Him everyday."