No Apologies

Thursday, October 13, 2011

If there is one thing I can honestly say that I HATE, it's emails, memo's, txt msg's, and BLOG posts for that matter that begin with an apology. If you're apologizing, you probably shouldn't be writing it in the first place.

If you know that another blog post on a topic that's not of interest to your readers will annoy them, don't post it. If you're sorry to bother me with that spam, don't send it. If you are apologizing for sticking your nose into something that's none of your business anyways, just stay out of it! If you're the boss at work, and you know that no one in the office is going to read your office-wide spam about yet another inane meeting, save yourself the trouble and just leave us alone.

HOWEVER, if it's important, if it needs to be said, if it benefits not just you but the recipient, then just send it. DON'T APOLOGIZE FOR IT!!! There are a few things I am proud to say at Next level Church, we DON'T apologize for. We know it's truth, and although it may be offensive to some, we are proud to stand on it and make no qualms about it. THE TRUTH IS THE TRUTH!

Now, we don't beat people up with it, or abuse our positions as leaders. I mean, You don’t have to be a jerk to be honest, and you don’t have to be crass to be authentic. But, If your motives are pure and you are preaching God’s Word, then you don’t have to apologize for teaching the Bible. Whether it’s sin, faith, Jesus or money, we shoot straight with people. Ultimately, we believe they will appreciate it in the long run.

Having said that, here are some examples of things we don't apologize for:

"In every sermon, there always comes a turn, where we make a b-line for the cross of Jesus Christ. Because we believe that understanding THAT message is the only way ANYTHING else makes sense. You can't figure out how to make ANY LASTING DIFFERENCE in your family, your marriage, your finances, your ANYTHING...apart from understanding the GOSPEL."

-Todd Hahn


"A lot of people want to live their life for themselves, on their own, apart from God. Then somewhere way down the line, they want to accept Jesus as their savior, simply to ensure Heaven as their eternal home. But here's the question: Why would you want to spend all of eternity in the presence of someone you're not even willing to spend a few years in relationship with and following in this life.THE REASON FOR THE CROSS WAS SO YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD COULD BE RESTORED NOW, NOT SOMEDAY! Heaven is just a fringe benefit! Eternal LIFE can begin now, not when you die "

-Robbie McLaughlin


"A truly beautiful thing is worthy of being admired simply for what it is, not what it can do for you. The cross and the whole gospel brings you to the place where you can worship God because of WHO HE IS, not what He can do for you."

-Jared Kirk


Some things are just the truth, and they require no apology. If you have to apologize for it, is it really worth saying?

-Thanks to Seth Godin for getting my thought process going in this direction.


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