Make Plans Now!

Ok. When something good is coming, you've got to make your plans in advance. You've got to make sure that you're there. This w...

Why I am Really Leaving Next Level Church

As you know, there is always a story behind "the story."  And whenever a pastor leaves a church there is a never-ending supply of...

Thankful - Next Level Church Edition

So, this is Thanksgiving week and we are in a two week series called THANKFUL. Perfect time to tell you, NLC, why I am thankful for you: ...

The Challenge Update

This Sunday was a monumental day at Next Level Church as we celebrated Commitment Day - giving and pledging to our mission to extend Jesus...

The Challenge is Here

Well, the big day is just about here: Challenge Sunday, the day that we come together to celebrate and give and commit ourselves to somethin...

Heads AND Tails

My name is Mike Krantz and I've been a part of Next Level Blakeney from the beginning.  In fact, I was part of Crosspoint Church bef...

The Challenge: Here

The Challenge is upon us, an exciting time to dream how God can change our world, here, there and everywhere. This was a video we showed j...

Guest Blogger: Miranda Hahn

Hey, this is Todd. My wife, Miranda, blogs at . I think she is an awesome writer. Her strength is that she is k...

What Happened to the Pipe in Peru?

I've developed a bad habit over the years of telling just part of a story in order to make a point. I consider the point made and move...

3 Ways to View Status

If you look at the story of Zaccheus in Luke 19 you discover pretty quickly that there are 3 ways to view status. 1. Culturally Defined St...

And When The Oceans Rage...

This is a difficult post to write, because I will inevitably appear less than epic. Largely because I am less than epic. We were at Myrt...

Priorities: A good idea?

Priorities are a good idea if you ever want to get something done.  Trying to lose weight, pay off debt, or finish that degree? It won'...

Go Out Crying, Come Back Laughing

I have been deeply immersed in reading the Old Testament lately, especially some of the tougher parts. So, it's nice to get to a happy p...

When Good Gets Better

I remember starting college and thinking that it was the greatest thing ever. Getting to be around a bunch of kids my age, living a few hour...


Call them surprising. Call them shocking. Call them ground-breaking, life-changing, revolutionary. They're the words of Jesus Chr...

A Sad, Hopeful, Personal Note

At the center of the belief system of those who follow Jesus is that God is the Author of Life. He created us all, he creates all of life, a...

9/11 In 2012

Tuesday is the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001. None of us alive will forget where we were when we heard. The disbelief,...

You're Never The Best

I was on a five hour flight the other day and my seatmate had one piece of reading material - The Annals of Tacitus. This is, as I am sure y...

A New Favorite Worship Song

I've learned that people connect to the world in all types of ways. Some people use their words to feel connected. Some people s...

The Good Times Keep On Comin...

Hey Next Level, Just a quick word of encouragement- we had more first-time guests this weekend than any other Sunday in the history of ...

Eight-Grade Gym Class (An Exercise in Torture)

I think we can all agree that middle school is hard enough without gym class. It's not fun. It's a giant competition, an epic remind...

Bad News First (Or, Slouching Through Lamentations)

My Bible reading program for 2012 is taking me through the Bible in chronological order. In other words, I am reading about the historical...

New Addition to the Next Level Church Staff

Hey Next Level, Pastor Harrison here. Exciting days are ahead. You know that amazing feeling when you have a good thing and it gets even b...


Everyone has a goal they're working on. It might be to lose a few pounds, to have a great marriage, to advance in your job, or to have ...

Want To Care For People In Crisis?

Today's guest post is courtesy of Emily Funderburk, Director of the Next Level Church Counseling Center: Has God given you a heart ...


So let's get this out in the open: I am not a teacher. I watch Pastor Todd and Pastor Jared with awe and wonder how someone could possib...

We're Singing a New Song This Weekend

Hey Next Level, I am so excited for this weekend because we are learning a new song at both campuses. It's called "Endless Light...

Get More Connected To Next Level!

Africa's Favorite American Because my father worked for the government when I was growing up, and because he valued giving my sister...

Are You In The Right Place in Church?

A couple of weeks ago, BJ (my fourteen year old) and I were at a Major League Baseball game. We were - let me be honest - in the cheap seat...

Who Wants Terrible Tickets?

In the next three paragraphs, I think I can get you to see what the most important things in your life are. Imagine this scenario: some...

Making Videos is Delicious

Hi, Harrison here. I'm not big on titles. I know that (especially in churches) we sometimes have a tendency to come up with some pretty ...

Do You Know?

Do you know... What your PURPOSE is? (Why God placed you on planet Earth). What your PASSION is? (The thing that gets you out of bed in ...

Tweets from the Back Row

One of my favorite things about going to the movies is sitting on the back row with my friends and family and adding my own commentary to t...

A Custom Made Life Group

Today I came across this post from our friend and blogger Kelli.  It was more profound than anything I had to say today so take a moment and...

Hi, I'm new here

Hi, my name is Matt and I am the new student pastor at Next Level Church. This is my first post on the NLC Blog. There have been a lot of ...

In God's Hands...

There is no ability so base that in God's hands it can't be used for his glory. Some of the rock stars at Next Level Church are ...


Today, all of America celebrates the great gift of freedom for which countless men and women sacrificed (and are still sacrificing today). ...

What does it take to be a Regular Attendee?

Every week we are blessed with First Time Guests at Next Level.   There are a number of reasons they come.   It may be they saw the signs o...

You Are Just Like An Albino Alligator

We're on vacation this week, just a short drive from the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher. We went the other day. Twenty minutes...

3 Ways to Kill Your Church

Next Level Church is a great church to be a part of, to serve, and to lead.  But we have to stay on our guard because great things don...

I Want That Pizza From Back to the Future...

Everywhere you turn, you find people who claim to have all the answers. When will the world end? 2012, according to the Mayans. (Although ...

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