One Click to Change Your Life...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
In some organizations there is a big disconnect between what they say their values are and what actually happens in the organization.  One pastor put it this way about mission statements (for example): It's hanging on the wall, but it's not happening down the hall.  We've all been a part of clubs, teams, or businesses where the stated values didn't match reality.

At Next Level we strive to run everything we do through the filter of our three core values.  If it's not Living Life Together, Giving Ourselves Away, or Connecting People to God then we don't do it.  Which is why Life Groups are such a huge deal to us.

Life Groups are the biggest, clearest way in which we live life together.  It's where we apply the Bible to our lives in ways that change us. It's where we care for one another inside the church. It's where we find teammates to connect our disconnected friends to God. It's where we actually get to know the people who sit in the chairs next to us on Sunday morning.

That's why if you are not a part of Life Groups at Next Level Church I really believe that you are missing out on a huge opportunity for God to work in you and for God to work through you.

We've added quite a few groups this semester and you can sign up for any group no matter which campus you attend.  We've even added three(!) financial life groups that do nothing except help people manage well what God gives them and help them find financial peace.  These types of groups can really change your life.

So sign up today.  Don't wait. They are on the website right now. Click here to go >>

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