Next Level Blakeney is growing and we have not even launched yet. We are still 3 weeks away from the official launch of the new campus but are already growing to the point of needing to expand.

Yes, you read that correctly, we are expanding and we have not even launched yet! This growth is happening not only in our Auditorium but in Kid C
ity as well. This has meant that Chick Efird, our Kid City director, has had to expand into other areas to make room for all of the kids!
If we are experiencing this kind of growth pre-launch I cannot even begin to imagine what God has in store for us on March 25th- our official launch date!

I hope you are starting to make a list of those you are planning to invite to this event- friends, family, coworkers, relatives, and neighbors. Maybe it is the cashier at the grocery store, or your workout partner at the gym. Maybe it is your lunch buddy at work, or the guy in the cubicle across from you. Whoever it is, put their name on the list and keep that list in a prominent location where you will see it. Perhaps tape it to the mirror so you will see it when you are getting ready in the morning or on your desk at work. Put it somewhere where you will remember to pray for the people on that list. While you are praying, ask God to provide you the perfect time to talk about the upcoming launch. And then look for opportunities to invite them to church. Use the launch as a reason to invite them. Tell them this is something you have been working towards and how you would appreciate their support on March 25th as God begins a great work in and around the Blakeney area. And then do it again, and again, and again. Based on what we have already seen at Next Level Blakeney, March 25th is gearing up to be an amazing day- a day where people’s hearts are changed and God is clearly seen. Who will you invite?
If you attend Next Level Matthews, please pray for us. Pray for the individuals and the families that God is sending to our campus. Pray that our volunteer team would have a renewed passion for serving these
people. And please pray that God would use Next Level to reach the Blakeney community for His glory.