Jesus, Dr. King, And The Key to Success

Wednesday, August 28, 2013
"Not everyone can be famous. But everyone can be great, because greatness is defined by service" - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today, as our nation remembers and celebrates one of the greatest speeches in human history - Dr. King's 'I Have A Dream Speech', the quote above is more relevant than ever.

Jesus said something very similar, and Dr. King drew on his words for inspiration:

"Even, I, the Son of Man, did not come to be served - but to serve - and to give my life as a ransom for many" - Matthew 20:28.

So, I'll cut to it....

Are you serving...are you giving yourself away?

Or are you hedging, complaining, griping, wondering, gossiping, moaning, chattering?

Life comes when we pour ourselves out on behalf of others, without thought of position or reward.

I have some heroes at Next Level Church, all of whom would kill me if I named them. So I won't.

But they are the people who have very busy professional lives who take time to care for someone in need and in process. Who drop their weekend plans to help single parents move. Who give up their one free day with their spouse and kids to fix a car for someone who can't afford to get it done themselves, to broker a dispute with a landlord, to tutor a child, to run an errand for a sick friend.

Who work hard all week and then show up on Sundays with a smile and a servant's heart.

I have never been around a church with more heroes than Next Level.

Or one with more servants.

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