Weekend Preview: An Offer You Can’t Refuse

Friday, November 08, 2013

Let me begin by saying, if you missed last week, go here and read a recap of where we have been because starting here is sort of like walking in to a movie half way through - You may hear what is being said but you have missed a lot of context.

This week we are going to look at Paul's answer a few of the questions we often have about the issue of salvation like, If I am a new person in Christ, then why do I still do a lot of bad stuff? If I am really free, why don’t I feel free? Why am I so temptable? If I am really different, then why do I behave the way that I do? Why does it seem functionally and practically, I am still a slave to sin?

If you are the kind of person that likes to read ahead, you can read what Paul says here.

One of the essential things Paul teaches us to do is to treat sin like it is a separate entity. He talks about sin like its a thing. It is not the things we do; sin is not a verb, it is a noun... it is a thing. It causes us to do some things (sinning) but sin itself is a thing. And that thing is not Me or You, it is something else. This is important because if will you learn to think of sin as a separate entity, then you will learn to identify with God in Christ more than you identify with your sin.

This seems like some pretty complicated stuff, but we will unpack all of it this week at Next Level Church. And you will leave with a clear picture of how to live in the offer that God has given us of real freedom.


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